Sunday, December 6, 2009

This and that

Erilyn and Daddy playing with Tanner. He seemed to like it. I thought is was hilarious.
This is Tanner sleeping in the AMAZING cradle my dad built for him. I LOVE it. It's perfect. And Tanner loves to be rocked in it.
Erilyn fell asleep in the car one day while running errands and I nearly crashed a few times trying to help her up because I couldn't stand to see her sleeping like this. She flopped around like this for a while before I could safely reposition her.

A friend let me borrow this carrier and I LOVE it. Tanner loves to be held, and while I like my sling I made, this allows me to be completely hands free and it doesn't hurt my back to carry him like this. I love it! Here we're at the park.
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