Friday, December 25, 2009

Note to self...

Erilyn came up to me a couple of days ago while I was feeding Tanner and said, matter of factly, "Mom, 'you don't feel well' means you don't have to go to Church.  So...I don't feel well."


She also had a conversation with Kirk the other day that went something like this:

"Dad.  What does my shirt say?"
"It says, 'Your Highness."
"My highness?"
"No, 'Your Highness.'"
"My Highness?"
"No, 'Your Highness.'"
"Da-ad! What does my shirt SAY?"
"'Your Highness.'"
"My Highness?" get the idea.

Last story...for now:

Erilyn was fighting me about putting a coat and shoes on to go outside and Kirk finally interrupted and said, "Just let her go out.  If she wants to be cold, let her."
Erilyn, "I DO want to be cold!" Okay.  Fine.
As she's headed out the back door, Kirk says to her, "I hope you have fun being cold!"
"I WILL!" she says. "I hope YOU have fun being warm." Sassy pants.

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