Thursday, April 15, 2010

My (first) baby

We were playing in the backyard the other day and Kirk was pretending Anthon was a football and kind of threw him a little, but when Anthon landed, he rolled his ankle. I think he might have sprained it a little because it's been over a week and he still limps on it, even when he doesn't know I'm watching. He was pretty upset about it at first (so was Kirk, poor guy!), but when I pulled out the tensor bandaged and put my athletic training skills to work, he got over it pretty fast. He thought he was so cool to wrap it up with ice and rest it (R-I-C-E it, Mom!) He kept coming up to me to remind me to wrap it, or put ice on it. It was really cute.
I love these boys! And I hope they'll grow up close. There's nothing in the world quite like a brother.
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1 comment:

Katie said...

I have had two kids with broken legs and the doc told me the rule is if they won't walk on it, it's broken. I don't know if you were asking for advice but I'd take him to get xrays. =)