Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chubby Hands

I was cuddling with Tanner in bed last night.  After dozing off for a few minutes, I woke to find Tanner's little arm completely outstretched, trying to touch my face.  It was so sweet: him smiling at me, reaching for me, wanting to connect. 

So I reached back and let him hold my finger.  As I watched him grasp my pinky, I realized how big his chubby little hand is getting and it made me cry.  I've fallen head over heels in love with this little guy and the realization that he wasn't going to stay little hit me like a ton of bricks.  Of course I know he's going to grow up, but that doesn't change the fact that I adore him as he is now: small, chubby, smiley, vulnerable, and innocent; and I want him to stay like this.

I hope I'll always remember laying (lying?) in bed next to him trying to cuddle him to sleep, with him just smiling like crazy back at me, pure innocence and joy in his eyes. 

This is such a sweet phase of life for him and I just can NOT get enough!

1 comment:

jamesrivergirl said...

Beautiful post. I'm happy for your happiness.