Thursday, February 14, 2008


After vehemently insisting to people that I'm just fine with my paper planner, thank you very much, and that I actually like writing things out long-hand, I'm surrendering to the latest wave of technilogical peer pressure and starting a blog. Only because I like to write, though. Seriously. That, and I can type faster than I write. And I don't scrapbook.

This begs the question: is technology really actually functional, or just nifty? The answer, of course, is both. The trick is figuring out which form of technology to use and which to oogle. This whole blog, thing, for example, is good for me because it allows me to keep my stories with my pictures without having to spend endless hours scrapbooking. It also gives me a place to be long-winded without inconveniencing anyone. But my general opposition to things that reduce the need for human contact dictates that I also oppose many gadgets that claim to improve human communication. I wonder at cell phones, for example. Having purchased a tracphone for safety reasons while we're travelling to Canada over Christmas, I have to admit, that it's a handy little thing to use to make doctor's appointments etc. while I wait outside to pick up either Kirk or Anthon from school. And for talking to people I can't see in person--like those of you who live light years away from us!--but what about calling local friends, rather than going to see them? I know it takes longer, but, isn't actually being in someone's company preferable?

My thought is yes. There's a fine line, though, between calling to check in, or calling to avoid getting off the couch and actually visiting. Maybe life really is all about balance.

1 comment:

Jolynne said...

You think way to much. I don't think of half of the things you come up with. THe cell phone? You are cute, and I love how you make me think about things that are so common place!