Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Conversations with a four year old

Today, in the check out line at Dick's Sporting Goods, Erilyn and I had a fascinating conversation that went something like this:

Erilyn--Mom.  Reindeer can fly, but they don't have wings.
Sonja--You're right.  How do you think they do it?
E--(quietly thinking)
S--Maybe they have jet packs in their hooves.
E--(somewhat indignant) No, Mom.
S--So how, then?  Magic?
E--Yes.  It's just magic.
S--Wouldn't it be fun to ride a reindeer while it's flying?!
E--Yes!  Just like a pegasus!  (Lightbulb moment)  MOM!!  Reindeer and pegasuses are the same except pegasuses have wings and reidneer don't!
S--You're right.  And reindeer have antlers, but peguses have horns, like unicorns.  Do you think unicorns can fly?
E--Yup.  But they don't have wings.
S--So how do they fly?
E--Mo-om.  Magic!
S--Oh.  Of course.

It was about this time that I realized everyone in the checkout line was listening to our conversation and smiling.  We payed for our stuff and went about our way, business as usual.  Because, when you have a four year old girl, these kinds of conversations are business as usual.

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