Monday, May 31, 2010

Family Campout

A couple of weekends ago, Kirk and Anthon were all set to go on a Father and Son's campout but they got rained out, so we had our own little family campout.

We had a fire, and roasted hot dogs (which dripped all over the inside of the fireplace...ugh) and made s'mores.

And pitched a tent. We turned out all the lights and played games and told stories, passing a flashlight around to whoever was doing the telling.
Anthon wasn't thrilled with Tanner crawling all over him.

Then we had family movie night and watched the movie from inside the tent. The kids slept there all night, but Mom and Dad and Tanner enjoyed the comfort of a real bed.

Fun times!
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jamesrivergirl said...

What a wonderful memory. I want to do that with our family.

We've bought a house. In Lubbock. Shoot me.

I'll post pics, etc. on my blog eventually. And I actually feel good about :)

jamesrivergirl said...

Hi Sonja. I thought I'd already left a comment on this. Sorry. But, it looks like a lot of fun!

I hope you're doing well. I missed you today. I'm...doing better than I was, but kind of stressed out.