There was a huge thunderstorm one night where it poured and poured, but the wind wasn't blowing hardly at all (which is rare), so Erilyn and I parked it on our front step and watched the rain for close to an hour. It was so fun! She still talks about it and asks if we can go listen to the "thummer."
Another storm. This one was windy, and produced hail big enough to really hurt if you got hit.
Notice in both these pictures how Anthon is right in the middle of the puddles, and Erilyn on the edge? She is much more cautious and concerned with getting wet. Anthon clearly has no qualms of jumping right in. I love noticing little differences like this about their personalities. Eventually Erilyn did go into the puddles, but never jumping and splashing like Anthon. I think her favorite parts were watching Anthon get soaked and the warm bath afterward. She mimics Anthon so much that I love seeing how she is really different. I love my kiddos!
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