Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kindergarten Tears

I attended an orientation today at the school where Anthon will be attending kindergarten. For most of the time, all the kindergarten aged kids went with the teachers to see their classrooms, etc, and as I watched Anthon line up and follow his teacher out, my heart just sank, and I started tearing up. He's my little boy! I know he's ready for kindergarten, but I'm not ready for him to go. Then the principal started talking about how children who have been taught to be independent usually excel better at school and can be self-learners and so it's important for us as parents to start getting ready to cut the apron strings a little. And that did NOT help me feel better. It just makes me so sad to think he won't be home with me anymore, and that I won't be the only adult voice he hears (along with Kirk), and that I won't have so much influence over him anymore. I'm just not ready for him to grow up! Once he starts kindergarten, it'll never be the same again. For him and me, or for our family. This chapter is really hard for me to close. Fortunately, I have a few more months to get ready to open the next chapter. Hopefully that'll be enough time.


The Schramm Family said...

Sonj, most of the time I feel the same way. I am just not ready to have Sadie move on. Isn't is scary to think we are mom's of school age kids now?! Wow life goes by so fast.
Love ya

The Crider Clan said...

Sonja, I totally hear ya! I feel so sad in my heart to think that Susannah is growing up so quickly, and soon won't need me so much. Sometimes I think that will be nice...but then I feel sad for thinking that because I will never get little Susannah back. I keep thinking that the thought of kindergarten is worse than her actually going to Kindergarten. I hope so anyway!

Hang in there!