Sunday, February 6, 2011

And then this happened...

I'm sure you are all aware of the super storm that has dumped a boat load of snow across the American Midwest.  Apparently, that includes Texas, though I'd call us the Southwest.  Anywho, we got dumped on.  And iced.  But first, iced.

First we had some hot weather, you might recall, and then we had a good ol' Texan rainstorm.  Then it froze, and Texas shut down.  We were all iced in.  Seriously.  I could never grasp this concept of an ice storm until I moved here. We had 2-3 inches of ice covering everything.  People couldn't even open their garage doors, let alone drive their cars anywhere.  I was glad we are well stocked in the food department, because if we weren't, we would have been SOL, as my dad likes to say.  Kirk didn't even have to go to work!  I still didn't see him, though.  He was studying.

The kids spent that day skating on our back patio.  Fun times.

Then it snowed.  And none of this little fairy dust stuff.  It snowed big, fat, white chunks for a full night and day!  We had nearly 8 inches of snow on our trampoline.  So the kids spent that day doing snow angels, having snow throwing contests, eating snow and icicles, and getting soaked and frozen since we don't really have the proper outerwear for this kind of weather.  (We live in TEXAS for heaven's sake!)  The kids toughed it out, though.

Notice the 6 or more inches on the trampoline and fence, and it's still coming down!  Love those fat, fluffy flakes.

I thought about trying to go sledding, but when I took into consideration our abysmal outerwear situation, and the fact that there are no hills nearby and impassible roads, as well as the fact that they don't even sell snow boots here, let alone sleds, we decided to stay home and play in our own backyard.  It's a shame, though, really.  Sledding is one of the few great joys of winter.

Kirk teased Anthon about the fact that he had more school last week than all his friends did, since school was canceled for the whole week!  Crazy.  It was kind of a bummer, though, thinking about all of Anthon's friends who were home during the day, but we couldn't play with them because we were snowed/iced in.

It's all mostly melted now, though it's supposed to snow/sleet on us again in the next few days.  We have errands to do tomorrow, though, so I'm hoping it'll hold off until Tuesday at least. 

Happy Winter!

1 comment:

jamesrivergirl said...

I miss you so very much. I can hear your voice as I read your entry. It's nice. :)
An update on us: We think we're staying in Lubbock another year. We don't have proof yet, but that's what we think.