Sunday, May 31, 2009

In point form...

I've been out of touch for a while and SOOO much has happened! I'm going to just make a quick list and expand on them later with pictures and more details. I just need to get some stuff down and out of my head right now.

1. Kirk graduated from Law School! And from graduate school with a master's degree in Financial Planning. Way to go, babe!
2. Kirk got a job! We'll be moving to either Dallas or San Antonio in time for him to start mid-August.
3. I got to go to Canada! Kirk definitely wins the Husband of the Year award for this one. He stayed home during his only week off (between graduation and starting his studying for the Bar exam) to take care of the kids and sent me solo to Canada for a week! Thanks babe!
4. We're having a boy! I kind of knew it all along, but it's nice to know for sure. We're still thinking of names...
5. Anthon finished his first year of school! He has learned so much and become such a sweet big brother to Erilyn. What a kid.

I think that's it for to come...


jamesrivergirl said...

So, it's about 2 o'clock in the morning, but I couldn't resist checking your blog. And I'm so glad I did! A boy! Yeehaw for you! I'm partial to boys...for the time being. Luke thinks our next "doodah" will be a girl, though, and I kinda do too. (doodah is my new word for both kids. I didn't ask their opinions of it.)

Amy Chandler said...

So happy for you that all is starting to fall into place!! When are you due again?? We are having a boy too and I'm excited to start the boy adventure. Wish we were closer to hang out!

Unknown said...

It was so nice to see you Sonja:) I hope you are doing well with the new baby boy coming soon! Take care of yourself! It sounds like you have a wonderful husband!