Sunday, March 8, 2009

No pictures again...I know, I know.

I can't seem to find the charger for my camera battery, so we're a little picture-deficient right now. But I have kid stuff to write about, so here I am!

Kirk thinks Erilyn will have a foot fetish when she gets older. I think Erilyn has a foot fetish now. She likes to come up to us when we're sitting down and hug our feet. She says in a dreamy sort of way, "I love him foot." And then she'll cuddle it, rock it, tell it to wake up (and poke it, and yell at until it moves or "wakes up"), and then demand that it kiss her (which she insists on by holding out her hand until you touch it with your foot, thus "kissing" her). This happens with delightful regularity.

She is also obsessed with being a puppy named Ruffy. She will crawl up to us and lick our pant legs and pant and bark like a yippy little dog. As a puppy, she is very obedient and cuddly. As Erilyn, she is...uhm...learning to assert her independence. Yeah, that sounds right.

Tomorrow I am 20 weeks pregnant. Can I be done? Sometimes I'm jealous of women who've had premature babies. It sounds kind of nice, doesn't it? Only being pregnant for 30 weeks? Any minute now a bolt of lightening will strike me down. The good news is we get to find out the sex on Wednesday. I'm betting on a boy, and Kirk has a name picked out either way, so he doesn't really care. I still have veto power, though; that goes pretty much without saying. But I said it anyway, just in case.

Erilyn's nursery teacher today described her as a "somber child." After doing a double take and thinking, "really?", I realized that it's probably not that far off. When Anthon isn't around, she's much more reserved and serious. She pays close attention to things, she's careful about staying clean and picking up after herself (my dream come true), and she observes...everything. She's a watcher. But when he IS around, she is silly, energetic, and a little crazy, to be honest. Anthon has that effect on most people, though, so I shouldn't be surprised. It'll be interesting to see her grow up and figure out how to be her own person, whether or not Anthon is around.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Okay... so now that you've had the ultrasound.... boy or girl?!?
Can't wait to hear!