Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day!

We had a record-breaking snow fall Wendesday night and Thursday, so we got that blessed of all winter days--a snow day! Kirk and the kids spent the majority of the day building snowmen, snow mountains and having snowball fights. I spent the day making batch after batch of hot chocolate, and doing laundry. Mostly I was trying to keep the kids as dry and warm as possible. Since we don't really have any snow gear (why bother?), and the snow was really wet, they were getting soaked and cold pretty quickly. Erilyn changed I think eight times, and Anthon was soaked to the bone over and over again. Every time they'd come in freezing, I'd give them a warm bath, put warm dry clothes back on them, and they'd head back out. It was an all day affair!

Anthon and his little snow man

Kirk and his snow man...or woman. I'm not sure.

Tanner's first snow experience. He seemed perplexed. I didn't keep him out very long, though, because he doesn't have a coat.
The players

I love snow days!

1 comment:

Betty said...

I'm just catching up on your blogs.
I love these pictures - not sure which day it was -not date posted.
I am happy for you that your kids got that great experience....Love, MOM