Sunday, September 7, 2008


Good grief it's been a long time since I posted! I'll try to share lots of pictures and not so many words, otherwise, I'll never get caught up!

Here are the kids on the plane to Spokane. They were such good travelers! We drove to Albuquerque, then flew to Vegas, then flew to Spokane, stayed a few days, and then drove to Barnwell. Ever afterward, when asked, Anthon would say, "We drove twice and we flew twice." Which is true. It was actually a pleasure to travel with them. They were cute, well behaved, and slept at all the right times! Did I mention what awesome travelers they are?! They are fantastic travelers:)
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1 comment:

The Schramm Family said...

Thanks for the update! I miss you guys. It was great to see your family this summer. Your kids are so cute. Take care thanks for keeping us up to date!